Irrgular SmCo can be applied in magnets for stereos of stages and cars, VCM, CDDVD-ROM, dynamos, motor.
Applications of SmCo blocks: tinplate badges, badges, mirror-like tinplate badges, tin openers, tinplate fridge magnets.
Tile-shaped SmCo are used in microwave devices, wave-leading tubes, magnetron, medical treatments, magnetic therapy.
> Production: powder metallurgy.
> Composition: Smco5/Sm2C017
>Performance: high resistance demagnetization and good temperature physical properties and well resistance of corrosion
- excellent resistance on corrosion and oxidation
- breakable
- hardly to be demagnetized
- lower temperature coefficient
- the proper working temperature is 100℃ to 350℃, but can also be used in bad condition
good property
- excellent resistance on corrosion and oxidation
- breakable
- hardly to be demagnetized
- lower temperature coefficient
- the proper working temperature is 100℃ to 350℃, but can also be used in bad condition
good property
- excellent resistance on corrosion and oxidation
- breakable
- hardly to be demagnetized
- lower temperature coefficient
- the proper working temperature is 100℃ to 350℃, but can also be used in bad condition
good property
SmCo magnets
sintered SmCo magnets are circularly made by strict powder metal technology and heat processing. This kind of magnet conveys samariam for 35%, cobalt for 60%, element Fe and Cu. Through altering proportioning of compositions and circulation of sintered and heating, we can make two materials—1:5 and 2:17. The difference lies in energy product, temperature coefficient and coercivity. The most common material, 2:17, has better property and lower temperature coefficient, but it is more expensive and should be magnetized in high magnetic field.
Americans invented SmCo5 and SmCo17 in 1965 and 1972. This invention drives a high wave to study and explore new permanent magnetism, and promote the development of the materical rapidly. This material is produced by powder metallurgy, and its specialty is its magnetic stability, temperature resistance, and excellent resistance of corrosion. Its max magnetic energy prduct is 15~30MGOe which is 3~5 times to AlNiCo magnets. Its intrinsic coercivity is over 25kOe, and its highest working temperature is 350 ℃. SmCo magnet is very suitable for manufacture the products with high-performance like magnetic motors and other applied products requiring high working temperature.
Our adventures:
1. Our Hydrogenated powdering can assure the powder uniformity and reduce the oxidation of the powder. Our raw materials are in accordance with the standards of International Environmental Protection Organization (IEPO) and ROHS
2. Our unique molecules dividing equipment and technology to assure the small discrete of powder particles.
3. Our original technology of positively pressure sintered improve the performance of the products.
4. Our processing methods are vacuous melting, powdering of atmosphere protection, vacuum or atmosphere protection sintered and so on.
5. Our original technology of material addition can make products which meet customers' requirements such as target magnets with the uniformity of low temperature parameters and height.
6. The advanced machining processing such as laser beam drilling can do mass production of all kinds of magnets with high precision, such as the magnet for clock mechanism in watch, magnet for optical communicational products and so on.
7. We can protect the customer rights, and make sure the mould are appointed.